Little John Nee Plaque Unveiling
For many years now Cúirt International Festival of Literature, in conjunction with Kenny’s Bookshop and Galway City Council, has unveiled plaques around Galway. These plaques are all linked to writing about Galway and are cast onto bronze or carved into stone, providing a literary trail for visitors and locals.
April 23rd @3pm-4pm Junction of Threadneedle Road and the prom.
Galway Poetry Trail
A series of commemorative plaques featuring the writing of well known Irish and International poets have been installed around the City of Galway.
Often with a Galway twist, this series has become known as the Galway Poetry Trail and has so far included James Joyce, Mairtín Ó’Direáin, Seamus Heaney, Pádraic Ó’Conaire, Walter Macken, Louis MacNeice, Kevin Faller, Moya Cannon, Patricia Burke Brogan, W.B.Yeats, Gerald Dawe, Rita Ann Higgins, Gerard Hanberry, George Moore, and this year Máire Holmes and Arthur Colahan have been added.
PS. Photo by Ruth McHugh. Peter Pringle and Sunny Jacobs unveiled the plaque.
PPS. The stonemason changed the structure of the haiku so technically it is no longer a haiku but it’s Galway and sure no harm done no bones broken.